Contact me

Cedric calling

It’s been a while. Well, not so long actually. The year was 2018 when I first truly fell in love with photography. While using my first Polaroid camera it struck me:

Photography became an interpretation instead of a representation of what is and what is not. The process of capturing the picture is part of this interpretation, and from there on it’s been analog only, with Polaroids being the big love.

Many different cameras and films follow me on my journey: always looking for interesting and inspiring ways to create photographs and new interpretations.

On my journey I got several chances
to publish my work

Featured in the independent zine REALITAETEN 2020– a collection of art inspired and / or created during the 2020 Corona pandemic.


1 of 9 selected participants from 127 applicants to take part in the Experimental Photography Festival: Polaroid Month


Physical release of my pictures from the AGI 2019 in a photo zine, edition of 30 pieces.


Local exhibition ‘geisingen gestern.heute!morgen?